ASAGAO , reshaping the new way of electricity using.


평가 4
카테고리 도구
패키지 네임 com.asagaopower.zhaoyan
다운로드 수 5+


As of now, traditional electricity is mainly connected through cables inside the house. For small capacities needs, there are dry cells or secondary batteries. However, for larger capacities and outputs needs , there are only dangerous, low-cost, batteries or generators available , which produce loud noises and require complex maintenance with exhaust gas emissions.

In 2021, ASAGAO released the first iron phosphate portable power station in Japan, which supports 2000W output, 2000Wh capacity, and can be fully charged in 2 hours. Since then, ASAGAO has been providing users power stations.

ASAGAO was founded in Japan in 2019 as a pioneer of energy solutions to address the daily electricity shortages experienced by millions of Korean families. We also recognized the booming interest in outdoor camping and wanted to offer reliable energ.

We have established R&D teams in Tokyo, Japan and Shenzhen, China to develop the best products with cutting-edge technology. We want to transform people's habits of using power and provide a colorful life experience by offering innovative energy solutions.

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