ABC Maiúsculo

Baby Reads, Fun Learning To Read. Wheel songs that teach the letters.
Bebelê Games - Jogos Infantis

ABC Maiúsculo APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-17
카테고리 교육
패키지 네임 air.Bebele.B4ABCMaiusculo
다운로드 수 5+

ABC Maiúsculo 소개

Game to teach and learn to read.

Teaches the letters ABCD in a quick, cheerful and fun way.

Ideal for children from 1 year old.

Singing cartoon where very colorful children's figures transform into capital letters to associate the shape of the letter with its name and sound.

Each lyric is presented with a classic nursery rhyme rhythm that has pleased children's ears for centuries.

The children's figures and the melodies sung by the beautiful voice of lyrical singer Carolina Veloso capture the child's attention and happily explain the characteristics of each lyric.
This makes this children's cartoon the quickest and happiest way to memorize the letters A B C D.

Melodies used to teach the alphabet:
Letter A - Cantiga Passa, Passará
Letter B - Cai, Cai Balão
Letter C - A Canoa Virou
Letter D - A Carrocinha Pegou

Voice of lyrical singer Carolina Veloso.

Musical Arrangement and Performance by the Musical Group O Quebranto - André Brandalise, Tiago Lewis, Jonas Lewis and Carolina Fernandes Veloso Colvara

Song lyrics - Equipe Bebelê and Grupo O Quebranto
Animation and Drawings by the Bebelê.Games Team - Nerval Neto, Daniel Goezler, Rosália S Pires and A. Diego Marques

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