
Teach Colors to the Sound of Waltzes and Operas. Very fine voice of lyric singer.
Bebelê Games - Jogos Infantis

Cores APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-21
카테고리 교육
패키지 네임 air.Bebele.B1Cores
다운로드 수 5+

Cores 소개

Simple and clear children's animations for little ones to understand what colors are.
Lulled to the sound of classical music in the beautiful and highly tuned voice of lyrical singer Carolina Veloso, figures of a dog, balloons and a train show on colored screens what blue, red, yellow, etc. are.

Music: Blue Danube
Style: Waltz - Year 1867
Composer: Johann Strauss II
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: Light Cavalry
Style: Operetta - Year 1866
Composer: Franz von Suppé
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: Nabucco, Year: 1842
Style: Opera – Year 1842
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: La Traviata
Style: Opera – Year 1852
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: Carmen by Bizet - Toreador
Style: Opera – Year 1875
Composer: Georges Bizet
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: Four Seasons - Spring
Style: Baroque – Year 1723
Composer: Vivaldi
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 (ode to Joy)
Style: Symphony in D minor - Year 1818-1824
Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

Music: Voices of Spring, Frühlingsstimmen
Style: Waltz – Year 1883
Composer: Johan Strauss II
Interpretation: Carolina Veloso
Musical arrangement (music production): Tiago Lewis

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