1dChess - 1D chess trades

Play for both sides and don't let them win

1dChess - 1D chess trades APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-22
카테고리 전략
패키지 네임 com.SereDim.OneDChess
다운로드 수 5+

1dChess - 1D chess trades 소개

The main idea is to make a simple strategy system for two equal sides fighting, which will give the player the opportunity to control the strength of each side, but at the same time the winning choice will not be pattern.

Chess pieces in their original quantity are ideal for this idea. They move abstractly correctly to the original game, and each piece is balanced equal to the other pieces.

Player control is limited to selecting one of a random three non-repeating pieces from a pool of 5 pieces. This way he can choose for each side, and defeat will be counted as soon as at least one figure reaches the opposite edge.

Next, a little about the logic of the game:
The board has 11 cells, and there are kings on the edges, that is, there are only 9 playable cells. All pieces have health and damage for smoother gameplay. The game is real time turnbased, and the steps have the following logic: all pieces of the same color acts in a row, starting from the farthest to the last one created, their action can be either an attack or a movement, if a piece can hit, then it hits, if it cannot, then it tries to move forward on one cell, then the second color moves and so on alternating.

The Roguelike system here is replaced by a special balance, which depends on the player’s actions. You can feel what is making a difference in consider mistakes for future tries.

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