Broken Screen Wallpaper

Prank Your Frineds with the Broken Screen Wallpapers
WallBook Apps

Broken Screen Wallpaper APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-17
카테고리 맞춤 설정
패키지 네임 wallbooks.broken.screen.wallpaper
다운로드 수 5+

Broken Screen Wallpaper 소개

📱Elevate your screen presence with Broken Screen Wallpaper, the go-to app for unique and prank-worthy wallpapers! Dive into a vast assortment of broken-themed designs meticulously crafted to elevate your device's appearance. From shattered screens to intricate bullet-inspired patterns, our collection redefines wallpaper aesthetics

😂Looking to add a touch of mischief? Our app isn't just about aesthetics; it's about injecting fun into your digital life. Pick the perfect wallpaper to pull off hilarious pranks on friends and family, turning their screens into playful masterpieces.

What's New:

⚙ Enhanced Collection: Constantly updated with fresh, innovative designs to keep your screen game strong.

⚙ Improved Interface: A user-friendly experience designed for seamless navigation and quick wallpaper changes.

⚙ Setting wallpapers has never been easier; a simple tap is all it takes to transform your screen. Plus, download and share your favorite designs effortlessly across social platforms, spreading the broken wallpaper love far and wide.

What Sets Us Apart:

It's about adding personality and laughter to your device. Our carefully categorized collection offers a range of broken-Wallpaper designs, ensuring there's something for everyone. Whether it's quirky vertical lines, realistic shattered screens, or mysterious dark tones, our app caters to diverse tastes.

Stay ahead in the wallpaper game with regular updates, ensuring you always have access to fresh, innovative designs. Our user-friendly interface guarantees a seamless experience, making your wallpaper selection process smooth and enjoyable.

Download Broken Screen Wallpaper now and redefine your screen's style with a touch of broken charm! Let your screen speak volumes about your personality and humor. Get ready to set, prank, and share the best-quality images in just a few taps!


The images in this app belong to their respective owners and are sourced from public domains. They are used purely for aesthetic purposes and are not endorsed by the original owners. There's no intention to infringe on any copyrights, and if you wish for an image to be removed, we'll promptly comply. We deeply value your creations. For any concerns, please reach out to us via email. Our team is dedicated to assisting you and resolving any issues you may encounter.

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Broken Screen Wallpaper APK에 관한 자주 묻는 질문

Broken Screen Wallpaper(은)는 안전하나요?

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네, Broken Screen Wallpaper(은)는 Google Play 정책 및 가이드라인을 따르며 안드로이드 기기에서 안전하게 사용할 수 있도록 보장합니다.

XAPK 파일이란 무엇인가요? XAPK 파일을 어떻게 설치해야 하나요?

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XAPK 파일은 개발자가 최대 크기 제한 100MB 내에서 Android 앱을 Play 스토어에 업로드할 수 있도록 데이터 크기를 저장하기 위해 별도의 APK 또는 추가 데이터 OBB를 포함하는 파일 확장자입니다. Android에서 안전한 XAPK 파일을 다운로드하고 설치할 수 있는 가장 안정적인 소스 중 하나입니다. APKCombo 앱(을 사용하면 지역 제한 없이 Android 운영 체제에 XAPK 파일을 빠르고 안전하게 설치할 수 있습니다. PC의 경우 xapk파일을 LD플레이어로 드래그하면 설치가 진행됩니다

PC에서 Broken Screen Wallpaper(을)를 플레이할 수 있나요?

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네, 안드로이드 에뮬레이터인 LD플레이어를 컴퓨터에 설치한 후 미리 다운로드한 APK 파일을 실행 중인 LD플레이어로 끌어다 놓으면 PC에서의 Broken Screen Wallpaper 설치가 완료됩니다. 또는 LD플레이어를 열어서 구글플레이에서 게임이나 앱을 검색하고 설치할 수도 있습니다.

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