Traveler's clock 24

24 hour clock with weather forecast for the next day

Traveler's clock 24 APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-19
평가 4
카테고리 맞춤 설정
패키지 네임 pl.tcy.Clock24
다운로드 수 5+

Traveler's clock 24 소개

24 hour clock with compass and weather forecast for the next 24 hours

Unlike the 12-hour clock, there are 24 hours around the dial. Such a dial has many times greater functionality than a 12-hour dial:
- you can put several tips from different time zones on it
- day and night cannot be confused,
- map the directions of the world, including:
-- sunrise and sunset directions,
-- directions of moonrise and moonset
-- position of stars,
-- compass

Your watch displays a compass if your device has a built-in orientation sensor.
Changing the direction of the device also rotates the sun and moon picograms, which indicate the time at which they will be in the indicated direction, which is very useful when taking photos.
The short gray hand shows the shadow of the moon (just as the hour hand shows the shadow of the sun) in the northern hemisphere.

The dial does not point upwards at 12 o'clock, but rotates in proportion to the distance from the center of the time zone. The top of the dial indicates the middle of the day (sun peak).
This is convenient during long trips across the oceans, as the top of the dial indicates the middle of the day, regardless of the time zone set.
When traveling west, the dial will deflect to the left, and when traveling east, it will deflect to the right.
The horizontal arc indicates the time of sunrise and sunset.
The transition between summer and winter time looks interesting on the watch: the hands do not move, but the dial rotates.

The weather forecast comes from and covers the upcoming 24 hours:
- temperature (minimum and maximum),
- rain and snowfall,
- water dew point (gray),
- maximum strength of wind gusts.

For the purpose of downloading the forecast for a specific place, the location is transferred to approximately every hour, without any other identifying data.
According to the declaration, this data is not saved.

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