ThredUp - Resale & Fashion

Find "secondhand clothing" on "ThredUp", fashion. Shop, sell & save!

ThredUp - Resale & Fashion APK 다운로드

평가 4
카테고리 쇼핑
패키지 네임 com.yosdev.shoping.thredup
다운로드 수 5+

ThredUp - Resale & Fashion 소개

Welcome to "ThredUp", the world's largest online "resale marketplace" for "secondhand clothing" and "preloved fashion". Find stylish outfits that are eco-friendly, affordable, and unique.
Why choose fast fashion when you can have "preloved fashion" that is equally trendy, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly? "ThredUp" gives you access to high-quality secondhand fashion from top brands at up to 90% off estimated retail.
BROWSE THOUSANDS OF UNIQUE ITEMS: "ThredUp" offers a vast collection of "secondhand clothing", including women's and children's apparel, shoes, handbags, and accessories.
SELL WITH EASE: Got unused clothes? Don't let them gather dust! Sell them on our "resale marketplace" and earn cash or credit.
SAVE ON FASHION: Find amazing deals on your favorite brands. Shopping secondhand on "ThredUp" means high style with low impact on your wallet and the planet.
QUALITY ASSURED: Each item on our platform is thoroughly inspected for quality. No rips, no stains, just great fashion.
SECURE & TRUSTED PAYMENT: Shop with confidence knowing your transactions are secure.
SUSTAINABLE SHOPPING: By shopping "secondhand clothing", you're contributing to a more sustainable future by reducing textile waste.
PERSONALIZED SHOPPING EXPERIENCE: Customize your shopping experience with personalized size, price, and brand filters.
FAST SHIPPING & EASY RETURNS: We understand that buying "secondhand clothing" online might seem daunting, but with our fast shipping and easy return policy, you can shop worry-free!
UPCYCLE WITH US: Turn your closet cleanout into cash or credit with our Clean Out Kit or Donation Bag.
EXCLUSIVE DEALS: Get access to exclusive deals and discounts only available on the "ThredUp" app.
"ThredUp" is not just a "resale marketplace"; it's a movement towards a more sustainable and conscious lifestyle. We offer a platform that values your love for fashion while caring for the environment. Our mission is to make secondhand the first choice worldwide.
With millions of like-new items from brands you love, you never have to sacrifice your style or budget. You can score designer pieces at affordable prices, all while reducing your carbon footprint.
We understand that each piece of "secondhand clothing" has a story. At "ThredUp", we ensure these stories continue by giving them a new life. By choosing to buy "preloved fashion", you're extending the lifecycle of clothing, which contributes significantly to reducing environmental waste.
It's time to rethink fashion. It's time to embrace "secondhand clothing". So, are you ready to join our "resale marketplace" and become a part of the sustainable fashion movement?
Download "ThredUp" now and let's make a difference together—one preloved item at a time!

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