The Samurai Wars

Conquer whole Japan as Oda Nobunaga with over 400 samurai by actual portrait!

The Samurai Wars APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-16
평가 4.2
카테고리 시뮬레이션
패키지 네임 com.zeimoter.sengoku2d
다운로드 수 5+

The Samurai Wars 소개

◆World of "The Samurai Wars"◆
This is a tactical war game using actual portrait of samurai.
Conquer whole Japan as Oda nobunaga who is famous samurai warlord with over 400 samurais!

◆Intuitive Battle◆
You can command your troop and use tactical skill by Flick/Tap!
Defeat enemy by using each samurai's tactical skill!

◆Various Strategies◆
It is not easy to survive by just tactics in battlefield.
Diplomatic activities like trading and alliance...
Various Ninja's activities...
Political activities in Imperial court and Shogunate...
Development of town...
Let's plan your own strategy!

◆A lot of Warlords, Treasure
There are over 400 samurais and 200 treasure items.
Can you collect all?

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The Samurai Wars에 관한 리뷰 및 평가

The game is a total cash grab. It would be fun if they actually tried to make it even fair, but it isnt. Your enemies rapidly grow to such a degree that its almost impossible to attack other clans, considering they are able to deploy what seem like endless amounts of samurai. Its too limited and impossible to play without watching an hour of ads consecutively.
I like the premise and art style, but sometimes the controls are unresponsive, the stuff for the various samurai is a little vague, and I don't know how to get more than 3 samurai per battle, which can be annoying. Fix all these, and you'll get 5 stars from me.
Totally not recommended. The game is just a waste of time. Too slow to progress (if you're not paying) and you only have 4 samurai to fight other clans with 6-8 samurai. Going to battle to conquer a province takes forever. I paid to increase my samurai in battle, only to end up being attacked and lost my provinces. Money wasted. So if you tempted to install this game, look away. Not worth it.

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