Tank 1990: Battle City Tank

Battle city remake from Battle Tank 1990. Let's play Super Tank 90 (City 1990)!

Tank 1990: Battle City Tank APK 다운로드

버전 번호 1.8
업데이트 날짜 2024-05-06
카테고리 아케이드
패키지 네임 com.no.game.tank1990
다운로드 수 5+

Tank 1990: Battle City Tank 소개

Welcome to Battle City Tank serial - Tank Super, I can remember in 1990, 8-bit game machine is the most addictive thing of teen boy. Let's come back to childhood and welcome who love 8-bit (City of tanks), pixel art, battle city 2, 탱크 배틀, handheld game, mini arcade in Battle City 1990!

- In the Tank 1990 (super tank stars) there are many different buns that are not found in the usual classic tanks (world of tanks console).
- In this version, tanques can float on the water, if you take the boat. Opponents can choose different bonuses as well. For example, if an alien tank (super tank battle city) takes a star, it will also improve, like yours. - The enemy can take a grenade that will destroy you. And all this radically changes the gameplay.
- The player, controlling the tanki use hover tank, must destroy enemy tanks in each tank trouble unblocked level, which enter the playfield from the top of the screen. The enemy tanks need to destroy the player's base (represented on the map as a bird, eagle, Phoenix or Shellshock live), as well as the human hobby tanks itself. A level is completed when the player destroys all 20 enemy tanks, but the game ends if the player's base is destroyed or the player loses all available lives. Note that the player tank's weapon can destroy the base as well, so the player can still lose even after all enemy black tanki are destroyed (tank survival left 4 dead).

- Have many custom map and orginal as well has include.
- Tank game: a symbol that gives an extra life. Player also earns one extra life by reaching 20000 points.
- Star: it improves player's multiki tanki (having one star make shots faster, having two stars allow two simultaneous shots (overwatch tanks), having three stars allow the player to destroy steel). Player's tank carries power-up across levels unless being destroyed, which resets its stats.
- Bomb: destroys all visible enemy tanks (tank off).
- Clock: freezes all enemy tanks for a period of time.
- Shovel: adds steel walls around the Phoenix for a period of time. It also repairs any prior damage on the wall.
- Shield: makes player's tank invulnerable to attack for a period of time.

- "What is a 8 bit game?" - What 8-bit basically means is that a video game console and computer uses 8-bit microprocessing CPUs, now we have many kind of tank wars games (탱크 1990), but "battle city" game title is the best 8-bit games.
- "What is the goal of casual tank 1990 3d?" - A player (full game play can have 2 player tanks games - battle city online) in tanki x controls his tanque with arrows, destroying enemy tanks that slowly appears on the playing field. The enemy's goal is to destroy the player's base in the form of an eagle, which is hidden behind a brick wall. The player's goal is to destroy the opponents and move to the next level
- "What is the best free tanks?" - wow best tank? we have no anwers for the best one (world of tanks best tank), but Tank 1990 (tank n 1990) by NOGAME right now is'n the best free Tank io games (Tank PC), but wait for next update.
- "What is Minecraft Tank?" - Tanks (tank trouble 2 unblocked - 坦克 大战) are liquid storage blocks capable of storing up to 16 buckets of any liquid, such as oil, fuel, water, or lava.
- "Is exist tank games online (tanki online) mode in this version?" - currently we just built simple world of tanks reddit offline game mode, but in future we will develop online awesome tanks 2 or awesome tanks 3 version - tank 2020!

- Basic Block-tanks: Generally poses little threat, moves slower than players.
- Fast Tank: Generally more dangerous to the headquarters than a player.
- Power Tank: Don't go to their line of fire.
- Armor Tank: Start as green, gradually turns gray upon harm.

Thank for reading, DOWNLOAD TANK 1990 - TANK SUPPER - WORLD OF TANKS DOWNLOAD right now!

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