Pas N' (ou) T Blanc 2

Adventure game where the shadow man must complete all the stages.
Pas N' (ou) T Blanc 2 APK 다운로드
업데이트 날짜 2023-11-21
카테고리 어드벤처
패키지 네임 com.staticalismo.white
다운로드 수 5+
Pas N' (ou) T Blanc 2 소개
The shadow man must go through all the stages, taking the white path or one that is not covered by the background, but be careful with the edges or obstacles on the path that will make you lose chances.

The theme is simple: The player (Shadow Man) cannot leave the white path, since if he enters the bottom he will get lost or collide with the edges and lose a chance (life). But be careful, it is possible to go through the background, but there is a danger of colliding with an edge or obstacle that will not be seen in the background, since the background hides the shadow man, hence you must go as far as possible along the path.

You have 3 game modes available:

Normal: You play with different chance numbers, depending on the difficulty level that you mark on the gradient in the options menu. You have to reach the goal.

With time: You play with an unlimited number of chances, but you must finish the game before time runs out.

Marathon: You have an unlimited number of chances again, but you will be evaluated based on how long it takes you to finish the game, the time is unlimited, but if you take too long your ranking may be very bad or not at all.

Enter 0 to return to the main menu if you want to exit the game.
Type 000 to go to the subscription menu: (The subscription allows you to see all the game modes, the full game with more game options)

And don't forget to press the "back" button (The reload icon, to the left of the keyboard to move) whenever you get stuck, get lost in the background, or want to restart the level.

Good luck and enjoy the game!

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