Mental Hospital III Remastered

Mental Hospital III, survival 3D horror.

Mental Hospital III Remastered APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-19
평가 3.9
카테고리 액션
패키지 네임 com.agaming.mentalhospitaliii
다운로드 수 5+

Mental Hospital III Remastered 소개

Hello from 2013 :) One of the iconic horror games of 2013 is making a comeback! Fully revamped graphics in the Mental Hospital III Remastered version.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The best horror 2014 years, according to many gamers 4Pda. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Mental Hospital III, is a first-person survival horror with astonishing graphics and a really frightening atmosphere.

Our story started quite ordinary. The main character got an offer to record a video of a special forces raid in one of the psychiatric hospitals where secret experiments were supposed to be carried out. Sounds easy enough… That was what he thought.

But he will forever remember that night. The night everything went wrong from the very beginning: Horrible weather, problems on the news, and the car breaking down appeared to be inevitable, as was missing the start of the clinic capture operation. Having arrived at his destination late, the main character decides to find Lieutenant Sidorov as soon as possible, hoping to film at least something. After the main character gets inside of the hospital and is introduced to it's inhabitants he understands that it will be nearly impossible to describe what he saw there. You can of course erase the footage, but there is no option to erase your memories.

This is reality. Will the main character emerge from this fateful hospital alive, or will he too, like it's residents, be trapped here for the remainder of his life.

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Mental Hospital III Remastered에 관한 리뷰 및 평가

It's definitely better than the previous one, but not by a long margin. The graphics are a step forward, and the movement is finally manageable. You can move around faster and jump now. There are no environmental puzzles though, and that you die with only one or two hits is frustrating and not scary. Sure the atmosphere is great just like the previous games, and it's a good game to play alongside a special someone at night.
Nice game, but the ending is kinda dissapointing (the game end with you being killed in the end and I feel like the entire game I was entertaining the ghost before it killed me). Also the game is ols and soon it will need an update to be playable on higher android versions. The game is not the best, and the english in this game is not 100% correct, but is a good game made by a single indie developer.
And still there no remastered for metal hospital ll🙂💔

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