Guide For Your Wellness

NApps Solutions
Guide For Your Wellness APK 다운로드
평가 4
카테고리 스포츠
패키지 네임 com.wellnessapp.wellnessappgammms
다운로드 수 5+
Guide For Your Wellness 소개
Hua-wei health gives you the professional sports guidance for your sport.Professional Sports Guidance For Your Health.Huawei Health Supports: *With Huawei Wear APP data integration, to provide a complete, unified sports and health services.*cycling mode, walking, running, heart rate, record running track, with speed and other sports data.*Support from 5 km to the marathon running training program.With Huawei You Can:*Share your sports data with your friends.*Intelligent motion timeline will tell you the amount of exercise every movement period.*Exercise target settting.*Record your sleep time everyday including deep sleep,light sleep and awake times.*Record your steps,calories,exercise distance and exercise time everyday. And more name, images, logo and other details are not created by us but by their own respective owners.All Content mentioned here are the property of their respective owners.

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