Grendel: Fiend From Hell

The battle was long and fierce, and ended when brave warrior killed Grendel.
Poison Games

Grendel: Fiend From Hell APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-20
평가 4.3
카테고리 아케이드
패키지 네임 com.PoisonGames.GrendelFiendFromHell
다운로드 수 5+

Grendel: Fiend From Hell 소개

Grendel is terrorizing the small and peaceful village.
You are the brave warrior who came to kill him.
People will sing the songs about you if you succeed!
Good Luck...


- Cool and Scary Monsters!
- Medieval Horror Adventure.
- Smooth Controls.
- High quality 3D environment graphics.
- Gameplay from Poison Games that you love.

Five Weapons:

- Dagger
- Hatchet
- Mace
- Bow and Arrows
- Oil Bomb

Can you survive medieval horror night ?

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Grendel: Fiend From Hell에 관한 리뷰 및 평가

This game is the best, the ending is sad because you have to kill your friend from Hell. Other than that, the animation, weapons, and enemies are all great. Everything seems to be tuned perfectly to add a challenging expierence while making it fun.
This game may have been the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed first off the story was groundbreaking I mean come on it's an amazing story about how a hero has to save a town from scary monsters 👻 👽 it's so unique and I have never seen anything like it. Now getting onto the graphics the graphics were so good that when I first loaded up the game I couldn't tell it from reality and then I saw a monster and I swear when it came at me it went through my phone and killed me like I'm 💀
Yes everything is 5 star in this game. The AAA quality story, characters, the weapons. the witch betrayal is easily in my the top 10 anime betrayals. 10/10 ign, better than knack HD.

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