eSound: MP3 Music Player App

Stream music & songs offline.Listen to trending music & playlist with MP3 player
Spicy Sparks

eSound: MP3 Music Player App APK 다운로드

버전 번호 6.0
업데이트 날짜 2023-11-08
카테고리 음악/오디오
패키지 네임 com.player.esound
다운로드 수 100+

eSound: MP3 Music Player App 소개

Listen to your favourite music online from every device you want with eSound!

🎶 Stream music🎶
Find trending music online & your favourite songs and add them to your playlist. This way you can play music offline anytime you like!

🎵Playlist maker🎵
Create an offline music playlist with our MP3 player and listen to it anytime and anywhere!

🔎 Find music🔎
Discover every new title from the ones that are recommended for you based on your searches in eSound offline music player.

Listen to every trending playlist
Stay updated on new trending songs and top rankings. Keep up with your favourite sound and genre with the discovery feature of the free music player.

If you want to listen to music online or offline, eSound is the music streaming app for you! 🎼

Use eSound to find:

Unlimited free listening time! No limited skips, so you can listen playlist & your favourite song over and over again!

All the app features for free! No accounts/subscriptions needed to enjoy our MP3 player.

Find and listen to music online. Check the top rankings and stay tuned for every trending song and add it in that playlist you created for yourself.

Smart search with our music streaming app. Search any songs, albums, artists, covers, remixes, and more in our ​​music library.

Free music app with all controls. eSound playlist maker offers all options - repeats, shuffle, and more, so you can enjoy your sound.

Steaming app with intelligent recommendations for featured songs to listen to, so you will know every new title.

Non-stop playback station mode to listen to music without wifi based on smart AI sound recommendations.

Create and manage your favourite playlist. Find and listen to music without wifi with eSound - the audio player for online and offline use!

Daily updated top song charts and trending music playlist. Listen to songs and be the first to know every new title.

Free offline music player with tons of different genres, moods, and other trending song categories to play: Pop, Rock, Rap, RnB, Latin, Dubstep, Drum, Electronic, etc.

Sleep timer: fall asleep to your favourite playlist. Start your song, and then set the countdown timer of the MP3 player. At the end of the countdown, the player will turn down the sound and softly stop your playlist.

eSound music player is the best source of unlimited listening time. Find trending music easily - eSound has over 150 million online tracks for you to listen to!

Find your favourite song and add it to your playlist, so you can play it on every device you want with the soundtrack player eSound!

Download now and enjoy! Listen to your favourite songs without limits now!

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APK 다운로드
eSound: MP3 Music Player App APK의 다운로드를 제공하지 않습니다. Goggle Play로 이동하여 다시 시도하여 주세요
Google Play
현재 eSound: MP3 Music Player App(은)는 Google Play에서의 다운로드를 지원하지 않습니다. 이 페이지에서 APK를 다운로드 받아 주세요

eSound: MP3 Music Player App에 관한 리뷰 및 평가

Welcome back to personally one of my favorite offline apps to use. But sadly as I'm reloading the songs after I deleted the old version, I can't seem to save them, even if I have an accurate network. I have a total of 700 + songs and it was not like that before until now. Please help me properly reload my songs back. NEVERMIND, I just had to clear cache and then restart it now it works lol, but still hopefully it can be better like it's always been.
I was unable to use it on a new phone back then. But at least it's better to save battery and I can do other things on my phone and listen. I can also listen to music even when the screen is off. Unlike YouTube music. YouTube music way of ads are bette(Response: I feel RM10 a month is not worth it. Currency exchange rates are different especially MYR and USD. I mean why not show ads in a different way rather than just pop up ads? Having a short ad at the beginning of a (no more space but I h...
It's a pretty decent app. It has got many features for free, like downloading songs and premium costs $16 yearly, which isn't much at all. There are many bugs, but they only affect the visuals, so it's not a big deal. But what I'd like to see is an option to watch or download the music video of a "specific" song. Also, it'd be neat if the lyrics were downloaded as well. But overall, it's pretty good though.

eSound: MP3 Music Player App APK에 관한 자주 묻는 질문

eSound: MP3 Music Player App(은)는 안전하나요?

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네, eSound: MP3 Music Player App(은)는 Google Play 정책 및 가이드라인을 따르며 안드로이드 기기에서 안전하게 사용할 수 있도록 보장합니다.

XAPK 파일이란 무엇인가요? XAPK 파일을 어떻게 설치해야 하나요?

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XAPK 파일은 개발자가 최대 크기 제한 100MB 내에서 Android 앱을 Play 스토어에 업로드할 수 있도록 데이터 크기를 저장하기 위해 별도의 APK 또는 추가 데이터 OBB를 포함하는 파일 확장자입니다. Android에서 안전한 XAPK 파일을 다운로드하고 설치할 수 있는 가장 안정적인 소스 중 하나입니다. APKCombo 앱(을 사용하면 지역 제한 없이 Android 운영 체제에 XAPK 파일을 빠르고 안전하게 설치할 수 있습니다. PC의 경우 xapk파일을 LD플레이어로 드래그하면 설치가 진행됩니다

PC에서 eSound: MP3 Music Player App(을)를 플레이할 수 있나요?

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네, 안드로이드 에뮬레이터인 LD플레이어를 컴퓨터에 설치한 후 미리 다운로드한 APK 파일을 실행 중인 LD플레이어로 끌어다 놓으면 PC에서의 eSound: MP3 Music Player App 설치가 완료됩니다. 또는 LD플레이어를 열어서 구글플레이에서 게임이나 앱을 검색하고 설치할 수도 있습니다.

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