dr sani umar rijiyar lemo

Listen to dr sani umar rijiyar lemo Ramadan tafseer

dr sani umar rijiyar lemo APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-22
카테고리 음악/오디오
패키지 네임 com.barhamdev.dr.sani.umar.rijiyar.lemo
다운로드 수 5+

dr sani umar rijiyar lemo 소개

Welcome to the Android application of Dr. Sani Umar Rijiyar Lemo, a renowned Islamic scholar and teacher. Stay connected with the valuable teachings and insights of Dr. Sani Umar Rijiyar Lemo through this app, designed to bring you closer to the knowledge and wisdom of the Quran and Sunnah.

Discover collection of enlightening resources, including the complete audio series of Al-Fur’qan, a profound tafsir (exegesis) of the Holy Quran by Dr. Muhammad Sani Umar. Gain a deeper understanding of the Quranic verses and their practical applications in various aspects of life. With Dr. Sani Umar's meticulous explanations, you'll find yourself enlightened and inspired, ready to embark on a journey of spiritual growth.

Immerse yourself in the illuminating lessons of Sharhin Uddatus Sabireen, another remarkable work by Dr. Muhammad Sani Umar Rijiyar Lemo. This comprehensive commentary on the book "Uddatus Sabireen" provides valuable insights into the path of patience and steadfastness in the face of life's challenges. Dr. Sani Umar's expertise and eloquence shine through as he delves into the depths of this timeless masterpiece.

Looking for inspiring sermons? Look no further! This app offers a treasure trove of uplifting Khudbahs by Dr. Sani Umar. From the pulpit, he imparts practical advice, moral guidance, and spiritual wisdom to nurture your faith and guide you on the path of righteousness. Let his words resonate in your heart and motivate you to live a purposeful life.

Expand your knowledge further with Alfawa’id, a captivating collection of Sheikh Muhammad Sani Umar's insightful lectures. Dive into topics ranging from Islamic jurisprudence, ethics, spirituality, and more. Sheikh Sani Umar's profound wisdom and engaging delivery will keep you captivated and leave you with valuable lessons to apply in your daily life.

During the blessed month of Ramadan, delve into the Ramadan Tafseer series by Dr. Sani Umar. Experience an in-depth exploration of the Quranic verses specifically relevant to this sacred month. Dr. Sani Umar's explanations will help you connect with the spiritual essence of Ramadan and extract the maximum benefit from this blessed time.

With the Dr. Sani Umar Rijiyar Lemo app, you have access to a wealth of Islamic knowledge right at your fingertips. Whether you seek guidance, inspiration, or a deeper understanding of Islam, this app serves as your companion on the journey of faith.

Download the Dr. Sani Umar Rijiyar Lemo app now and embark on a transformative journey of knowledge, spirituality, and personal growth. Join the thousands of individuals who have already benefited from Dr. Sani Umar's teachings and let his wisdom illuminate your path."

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