Sweet Dolls:Makeup Games

Doll games:dress up and makeover your chibi doll!
Kitten Doll Moe

Sweet Dolls:Makeup Games APK 다운로드

버전 번호 1.3
업데이트 날짜 2024-01-15
평가 4
카테고리 캐주얼 게임
패키지 네임 com.moe.sweetmakeup
다운로드 수 5+

Sweet Dolls:Makeup Games 소개

💕Welcome to Sweet Dolls: Makeup Games, a delightful game for girls who love dressing up dolls and exploring the world of makeup. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world full of creativity, fashion, and cute game.💕
💕Oh! Look at her dirty face! She needs your help to clean!
In Sweet Dolls: Makeup Games, you need to wash the doll's hair and face, so grab shampoo and face wash together to make the doll clean and beautiful!

💕Let's give her nice makeup!
Here, you can paint your doll eyebrows in different colors and shapes, replace them with big, shiny eyes, and choose a lipstick that suits her! Look, your doll is getting more and more beautiful because of your makeover.

💕She needs nice clothes to dress up!
With a wide range of doll dresses available, you can mix and match different outfits to create unique and fashionable looks for your dolls. From elegant princess dresses to adorable chibi doll costumes, the game offers endless options for girls to express their sense of style and creativity.

💕You can't go without accessories!
Headdresses, face ornaments, earrings, necklaces, what do you like? Cute bunny ears or cool sunglasses? A variety of styles and parts of the accessories, come dress-up a unique doll!
🎀Indulge in the magical princess world of Sweet Dolls: Makeup Games, where you can transform your dolls into enchanting princesses with a touch of makeup and elegant dresses. Let your imagination run wild as you explore the captivating gameplay and immerse yourself in the delightful doll dress-up experience.
🎀Sweet Dolls: Makeup Games is not only about dressing up dolls but also offers exciting doll games, dress-up games, and makeup games all in one. Give the dolls stunning makeovers, experiment with different makeup styles, and create your own unique looks. The game provides a fun and entertaining platform for girls to unleash their creativity and enjoy cute games.
🎀Are you ready for a world of cuteness, fashion, and endless fun? Join us in Sweet Dolls: Makeup Games, where you can enjoy a wide range of doll games, dress-up games, and makeup games. Let your creativity shine as you embark on magical makeovers and explore the world of cute and fashionable dolls.
💕Get ready for an exciting adventure in the world of Sweet Dolls: Makeup Games!Come on!💕

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