MegaFlix - Filmes e Séries

MegaFlix Movies and Series in the palm of your hand
Jisham Apps
MegaFlix - Filmes e Séries APK 다운로드
평가 4
카테고리 엔터테인먼트
패키지 네임
다운로드 수 5+
MegaFlix - Filmes e Séries 소개
MegaFlix automatically indexes content found on the web using Artificial Intelligence and public APIs from TMDB, IMDB and others. The use of MegaFlix is entirely the responsibility of the user. The distribution of trailers is on the part of platforms like fembed among others. Any copyright infringement, please contact the distributor.
MegaFlix - Filmes e Séries app 🎥 is the most complete and free private streaming application, which allows its members to provide detailed information on their favorite films and shows. Megaflix app provides thousands of free movies, TV shows, documentaries, and more. Categories within this app include entertainment, comedy, family, action, adventure, horror, documentaries, anime, and others.
There are following key features of megaflix filmes app that make app with downloading:

1. Discover 🧐latest episodes of original TV shows and series.
2. Get personalized recommendations of movies and series.
3. Find hit movies, reviews, trailers, recommendations from the largest community database TMDB.
4. Save content to watch later.

MegaFlix application differs from other streaming apps in its ability to show content from different streaming providers from one place. Additionally, the app provides users with custom options to sort the movies and TV shows 📺 by genre, year, IMDB rating, and other features. This facilitates navigation among the many available contents and expands the possibilities of finding something of interest. Once a movie or TV show plays, users can fast forward and rewind and add subtitles.

Please note: ❗
This application has no connection with the original app. All we want is to provide information. Just be aware of the app and in case of any questions, leave us a comment.

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