KALAIGNAR FM ( கலைஞர் FM )

Kalaignar FM (Online Radio) "This is the voice of Tamils"
Nesam Media Works

KALAIGNAR FM ( கலைஞர் FM ) APK 다운로드

평가 4
카테고리 음악/오디오
패키지 네임 com.kalaignar.fm
다운로드 수 5+

KALAIGNAR FM ( கலைஞர் FM ) 소개

Kalaignar FM

(Online Radio)

"This is the voice of Tamils"

Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhi is one of the most beloved Tamil artists in the world. He has been the backbone of Dravidian politics for 50 years. He has been the headline news for half a century. He has been elected MLA 12 times in a row. None of the Indian politicians owns the record. He is a five-time Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. He is a versatile university writer, playwright, poet, and journalist. He is the creator of 21 plays and 69 films in his lifetime

Kalaignar Karunanidhi has written more than 150 books on literature so far. It is no exaggeration to say that he was a "literary sculptor" who wrote ten novels and 6 historical novels on community. He is the record holder who wrote about 7000 letters in Murasoli saying "Udanpirappe".

He ruled Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in India in 1960, as one of the richest states in the country in 2011. Not only this, the artist also played a key role in advising on the selection of the Prime Minister and President of India. The list of his achievements can go on and on like this. Kalaignar Internet Radio Kalaignar Praise Songs, Kalaignar Screenplay, Verse, Songs from His Movies, Kalaignar Verse Scenes, Audio Verses, Kalaignar Texts, Celebrity Texts About the Kalaignar, Kalaignar Online Radio.
People can hear kalaignar’s songs all the 24 hours. They can enjoy both political programmes and useful social events.

Treading the path of victory with your valuable patronage.

You may kindly write to us if you wish to share your views.
email : kalaignarfm@gmail.com

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