Chicken Please

Cook, fry burger & chicken! Serve perfect chicken to grow your burger restaurant
Biza Studio - Dress Up Games for Girls

Chicken Please APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-21
평가 4
카테고리 아케이드
패키지 네임 com.chicken.please.chickenshop.idle
다운로드 수 5+

Chicken Please 소개

Welcome to the Burger Game with a bigger, better and easier burger simulator.

Unleash your cooking craze and let's kick-start a burger cafe in the cooking city. We proudly present to you the best adventure in restaurant games you have ever played before in the category of the cooking simulator. So bring your cooking games fever out and prepare the best burger recipe of all time in this food simulator.

You should jump into this exciting world of cooking games and fulfill your desire to become a burger shops tycoon. You can cook hamburgers in the burger game with a famous burger maker. Just download this burger shop simulation game and turn your dreams into reality.

Taste is the most appealing sense of a person in a dessert factory. Making burger stack will make your appetite higher than before in fast food games. Therefore the diner dash is the best chicken please simulator to try out your burger-making desire in virtual reality. Burger Game is versatile in terms of making different types of burgers like krabby patty and Hamburger Tower. This is not one of the orthodox food making games, it will allow you to make some traditional foods as well. You can try out some burger recipes of your choice in this time management games. Whether these are fast food or continental food, you can try it all in restaurant games.

Making customers satisfied always boosts your business of burger restaurants. Use your intuition and prepare the tall hamburger dishes of your life. Serve the customer with a mod burger who came into your purple place chef land. Another distinct feature of this cooking restaurant game is that you can make adjustments in the settings of your burger shops and provide the cool look to the visitors in your restaurant life. In the meantime, you have to compete with the best chefs in the world and also prove yourself to be the biggest burger maker. This food games can make you bring out some very productive ideas in a restaurant simulation game. Making food is not always enough; you must have to make it best to your taste and on time as well. In this type of burger game, you can get some cooking challenges without time constraints.

To be the best burger maker, you must not overcook or even uncook your food. Must be cooked properly. Burger games are all about entertainment and fun, not about getting ingredients off the stove. You need tools that will help you create masterpieces in cooking games. You too can become an ultimate burger shop master if you know how to operate the cooking simulator professionally. You can also decorate your burger shops with multiple renovation options. In this food game, you can earn rewards every time you successfully serve a customer in your burger game club. Drive-thru games can increase your rewards by up to 3x. Coins are used as restaurant builders to unlock the maximum capacity of eating games for kids.

Thus, you can become a master chef and serve a maximum number of burger lovers in one batch of cooking events in time management games. When preparing a customer's burger order, you may have to cook hamburgers, hot dogs, and even fries at the same time. Don't worry, you can hire more staff which help you to get the best experience and cash earnings in this food making games.

Ultra HD 3d graphics
Soft sound effects
Intuitive cooking game control
Gifts and coins to unpack the cooking craze
Offline restaurant games
Restaurant builder options

Download Now! Enjoy easy to play cooking simulation games and experience all the exciting features in a single cooking event of this burger game.

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