Chibi Doll Girl: Dress up Game

Dress-up chibi doll anime girl and make cute dolls in dress up games for girls
Kitchen Tales

Chibi Doll Girl: Dress up Game APK 다운로드

평가 4
카테고리 캐주얼 게임
패키지 네임 com.kt.vlinderdoll.avatorcreator
다운로드 수 5+

Chibi Doll Girl: Dress up Game 소개

Welcome to the chibi doll in a princess dress up games for girls. Do you love makeover stylish girls, if yes, then play with me maker doll dress up games? Makeover your own buddy and dress up a character in a fashion game for girls. Become a superb cute girl doll designer in dress-up games. Change over your chibi doll as you want and feel yourself a better doll designed to make stylists in girly fashion. Select the latest sweet chibi doll costume and much more things in makeup.

Change your chibi dolls using outstanding costumes like frocks, denim, and more items from fashion stylists. Makeover your chibi doll more beautiful by using wings, stylish hair, magic sticks, shoes, and many things in cute anime chibi doll games. In these doll games, you have a pet. You can also change the pets in the yoyo doll. In chibi doll dress up games select the yummy food for your lovely doll like bread, juice, and fruit. Make your own pastel girl and click the picture to send your friends.

Download and play sweet girl chibi doll games with numerous exciting features. There are other people who love to play like pastels and yoyo dolls, and now we are introducing this unique featured princess dress up games with endless fun and adventure. Decorate the fairy doll in makeup game.

Cute Dress Up Chibi Doll Game Features:
- Doll character creator of body customization
- Easy to play and soft and smooth controls.
- Multi collection of accessories dresses, shoes, makeup
- Varity of stickers and background themes colors
- Choose the pet in chibi doll dress up games for girls.
- Multifood items like fruits, cakes, and cute dolls.
- Large collection of outfits in free chibi doll dress up games.
- Take a picture and share it with your friends in doll games.

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