Cepi Events

Events by Cepi #Brussels #Renewable #Recycled #Responsible
Let's Get Digital

Cepi Events APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-17
카테고리 소셜
패키지 네임 com.letsgetdigital.app3339
다운로드 수 5+

Cepi Events 소개

Cepi is the European association representing
the paper industry. We offer a wide range of
renewable and recyclable wood-based fibre
solutions to EU citizens: from packaging to
textile, hygiene and tissue products, printing and
graphic papers as well as speciality papers, but
also bio-chemicals for food and
pharmaceuticals, bio-composites and bioenergy.
We are a responsible industry: 85% of our raw
materials are sourced in Europe and certified as
sustainable, 92% of the water we use is returned
in good condition to the environment. We are the
world champion in recycling at the rate of 71.4%.
At the forefront of the decarbonisation and
industrial transformation of our economy, we
embrace digitalisation and bring 21 billion value
addition to the European economy and €4.5
billion investments annually. Through its 18
national associations, Cepi gathers 490
companies operating 885 mills across Europe
and directly employing more than 179,000

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