Caterpillar Escape Game WC

World Cup! Turn based Puzzle ! UP Power with brain training!
Nam Creations

Caterpillar Escape Game WC APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-18
카테고리 퍼즐
패키지 네임 com.mycompany.caterpillarescapewc
다운로드 수 5+

Caterpillar Escape Game WC 소개

Enter the Imogon!
Red caterpillar challenges the ultimate escape WC (World Cup)!
Defeat the representatives of each country wrapped in national flags and conquer the world, Acha!

An exciting free puzzle game played by Red Caterpillar!
The ultimate turn-based escape puzzle game packed with cuteness and fun!
Retro atmosphere and simple rules, this is an addictive brain training!

●Easy to play with vertical screen, one-handed operation, and short play time
●Exhilarating when you escape from the situation surrounded by the surroundings and clear it
●There is also fun to think about the strategy with an eye on the goal

★How to play★
When you reach the escape exit at the top, the stage is cleared.
Score according to the remaining time and the number of stages when cleared.
50 stages in total.

All you have to do is select touch points around the red caterpillar's face.
Start over when you can't move.
The game is over when the 2 minute timer runs out.

If the oposite caterpillar cannot move four times in a row, it will disappear.

You can select from cleared stages on the title screen.
The red letters are continuation stages.
Selecting a stage other than Continuation resets the score to 0.

Ads are displayed after game over or game pause.

If you choose to watch ads at the start of the game, the timer will double.

The caterpillar will approach you sideways first, so the trick is to sneak past it.
Explanation video:

On stages where there are a lot of caterpillars, the trick is to aim for the upper stage by switching from the back.
Explanation video:

The trick to the partitioned stage is to guide the caterpillar to the opposite side of the partition.
Explanation video:

Good Luck!

* My Twitter and Facebook

* Music: Maoudamashii

Copyright 2023ー Nam Creations

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