Atom: Sleep, Insomnia, CBT

Better Sleep with CBT, Psychology for Insomnia
Atom: Build healthy habits

Atom: Sleep, Insomnia, CBT APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-21
평가 4
카테고리 생산성
패키지 네임 com.atom.sleep.insomnia.stellar.reset
다운로드 수 5+

Atom: Sleep, Insomnia, CBT 소개


Fall in love with sleep again with Atom for Better Sleep app for insomnia, a personalized sleep program grounded in science, and developed in collaboration with psychologists, therapists, and researchers.


Our members report:
- More sleep per night
- Longer and better quality sleep
- Less time awake in the middle of the night
- Fewer nightly awakenings
- Less time needed to fall asleep


Atom for better sleep uses the #1 science-backed approach for improving sleep that is personalized to your needs and simply works. Live a healthier, happier and more productive life with techniques that help you wake up every morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of the day.

- Uses clinically-proven techniques recommended as the gold standard insomnia treatment

- No harmful pills, melatonin or supplements – which means no grogginess or dependency
- No quick fixes – we address the root causes of your sleep issues and give you long-term tools to manage your sleep

- Your program is all available via our mobile app, so you can take your program with you on-the-go
- Atom for better sleep is done entirely from the comfort of home, with no in-person appointments or fancy equipment required

Our evidence-based program takes only 5 to 10 minutes a day, offers:
A comprehensive sleep curriculum harnessing the power of CBT-i (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia) and behavioural science for deep understanding and resolution of sleep issues.
Thorough assessments to uncover the root causes of your sleep struggles, allowing for a personalized approach.
Sleep diaries and tools to identify and analyze your unique sleep patterns, offering crucial insights into your sleeping habits.
"How to Sleep Well Tonight" techniques, designed to calm your mind and body, ensuring a smooth and fast transition to restful sleep.
A personalized course filled with tailored information and strategies to address your specific sleep concerns.
Practical and easy-to-adopt changes that significantly improve sleep quality and overall well-being.
Access to a dedicated sleep coach for personalized guidance and support in your journey to better sleep.
Education on improved sleep hygiene habits to create an lifestyle conducive to restful sleep.
Integration of positive psychology elements to transform your relationship with sleep, fostering a healthier, more nurturing approach.

Have questions or feedback? Reach out to us at

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