Jewelry Making game for girls

Repair very precious and expensive princess jewelry and make it looks gorgeous
Mobi Fun games

Jewelry Making game for girls APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-18
평가 3.7
카테고리 캐주얼 게임
패키지 네임 com.mobifungames.princessjewelryshopjewelmakinggirlgames
다운로드 수 5+

Jewelry Making game for girls 소개

Are you ready to play this very beautiful princess jewelry shop jewelry making game?
Help the princess to repair her very expensive ancient jewelries to polished and fixed as new jewelries in this jewelry making game
princess jewelries always come to your jewelry shop for repair it show your art craft talent and make the jewelry design more attractive for the royal princess to wear it for the royal parties,
In your own jewelry shop you will need to design a good jewelry even more glamorous look for the princess
First you will need to repair the jewels like necklaces, earrings, crowns....etc.
First clean the dirty form the jewelries with a soft cotton clothes and fix the dent and cracks in the precious jewelries then design some pieces of beautiful jewelries you make to satisfy the princess
Use very precious gemstones, diamonds to make the jewelries looks very gorgeous and use natural colors to make the jewelries looks more beautiful for the princess
Start design the beautiful jewelry for the princess in this awesome jewelry making game
Necklace making
Design an awesome necklace for the princess you need to choose a beautiful designs for necklace making and then clean the very ancient princess necklace design the necklace with beautiful diamonds, gemstones and amazing natural colors to paint the necklace to looks gorgeous and new looks,
Earrings making
Design a beautiful earrings first you need to choose a nice designs and polish it and decorate the earrings with gemstones, diamonds and natural colors to make the earrings looks beautiful,
Crowns making
Next let's make a crown for princess first you need to choose a beautiful design to make a gorgeous princess crown
Clean it with a soft clothes and polish the old crown then add additional designs in it to make looks amazing and decorate the crowns with precious diamonds and colorful gemstones and natural colors to paint the crown to more attractive and looks very beautiful ,
Finally lets have the princess try all the handmade jewelries and dress up the princess with awesome designing clothes and make the princess looks pretty ever ,
Princess jewelry shop jewelry making game features:
Free game
Design a lots of jewelries like necklace, earrings, crowns...etc
Make the jewelries more beautiful by handmade
Use precious diamonds, colorful gemstones, natural colors.....etc.
Variety of the jewelries to choose for the princess
Very interesting jewel making game for girls
Easy to play this awesome jewelry making game
Have fun!
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