Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3

Welcome to Baldi Granny Mod: Horror Game

Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3 APK 다운로드

평가 4
카테고리 어드벤처
패키지 네임 com.baldimodgran.brannymod3
다운로드 수 5+

Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3 소개

*** Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3 ***

Welcome to Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3 horror game grandpa and granddaughter Slendrina.
Baldi's Mod Granny Chapter 3 of year 2021 is the latest version of granny 3 mods game with new features, beautiful graphics and scary sound.

Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3 in horror house worlds, play all
Granny and Grandpa have a new home together. Be Slendrina teacher or granny and kick neighbor enemies outside the house. Keep royale characters away from creepy Grandpa the mad city and the meep city.

Today is birthday for Baldi's Basic Birthday with bash in education and learning.

Baldi Granny Mod: Horror Game official game new update horror 2021. Granny and Grandpa hears if you drop something on the floor or you happen to walk on a creaking floorboard. You run fast to find a way to escape and get out of this horror house with game Granny 3.

Baldi Basic Birthday is grandson vs granny with birthday bash stickers, math teacher ed and monster school.

Granny Chapter 3 you have only 5 days to get out of Granny Scary house. You need be quiet and careful because the Baldi's Granny and Grandpa Chapter 3 hears everything.

Granny with Grandpa and Slendrina is separated from everyone else so she needs to keep you secured in the house.
Granny's granddaughter Slendrina who shows up from time to time. If you see her, look away as fast as you can for her gaze kills.

Granny Chapter 3 you as a prisoner must try to get out of there before day five has expired.

Features in new version Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3
- Granny Chapter 3 with fearful and tension atmosphere
- Smooth and easy controls
- Granny chapter 2 horror and interesting game levels.
- Horror game for free grammy and granpa
- Granny mod baldi's basics game: baldina
- Chapter 3 high quality scary music.

Be careful!!!
When you encounter Baldi's Granny Mod Game, fear will make you die, run fast to find a way to escape and get out of this horror house fast.

DOWLOAD NOW Baldi Granny Mod: Chapter 3 horror game for free!!!

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